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Go Pink! October Breast Cancer Awareness Month Resources

Orange County Limousine Breast Cancer Awareness Month October 2012

We’ve gone pink for October … Will you join us?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is a month where many “GO PINK” in support of finding a cure for breast cancer and creating much needed awareness of the risks and severity of the breast cancer disease. There is much encouragement to get a mammogram and to donate to foundations that work to raise money,  support and care for people with breast cancer. One very popular and beneficial cause is to raise money to to help women get checked for breast cancer through free mammography programs at hospitals.  Other services use the funding for medical research, educational materials and programs, help for those battling breast cancer and breast cancer survivor needs. The following are top the top foundations with focus on breast cancer:

Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Susan B Komen for the Cure

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Men Against Breast Cancer


The economy has taken a toll on many families, therefore we would like to share some ways that you can support the cause during October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are many PARTNERS / SPONSORS that are placing the donations to various breast cancer foundations on your behalf just because you took the time to learn more and GO PINK this October 2012.

List of companies supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month on our behalf:

Support FatCow is fighting for the cure during October Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2012

FatCow has made is very easy to do your part in supporting their drive for awareness this month. If you have a website, blog or social network (like Myspace) that permits you to decorate your page, FatCow has pink badges on their website for the taking – All you have to do is post a breast cancer awareness badge on your website / webpage and then let them know that you are supporting by completing the quick form on their website. FatCow will donate $1 to the American Cancer Society* for each badge posted in support. You can mention a loved one that you are supporting on behalf of or just let them know that you are supporting their pledge. You will receive a message that says “Thanks! Because of you, we will donate an additional $1 to the American Cancer Society.” as we did when we placed this badge on our blog.

Help support our fight for teh cure for breast cancer!


Since 2009, Bank of America has contributed more than $4.18 million. They are now guaranteeing a minimum of $1,000,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in conjunction with their Bank of America’s Everyday Portraits campaign. From February 2012 to May 2015, Bank of America is will donate $5 for every portrait created in support. You simply upload a picture in honor of someone that has or died from breast cancer; Bank of America will post it on their wall. They also have other forms of support such as special checks and credit cards where they will donate certain funds.



Resources to support breat cancer awareness month online


The limousine picture at the top of this page was made via a resource ( that we found on the Pink For October website – – a website dedicated to providing you the resources needed to transform your website, Facebook page, etc in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Their website is absolutely free and really does fulfill a need in the online market for at least a banner or pink ribbon that is legal to use on your website without special permissions.

There are so many ways to support Breast Cancer Foundations!

Each of the breast cancer foundation websites have history, educational, support and donation information. We encourage you to explore and support however you can. Please make sure to leave a comment below of how you were able to GO PINK with our Orange County limousine service!

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